The Code of Conduct is in force:
- Anytime students are on school property.
- During regular school hours.
- During transportation of students.
- At times and places where appropriate school administrators and staff have jurisdiction including, but not limited to, school sponsored events, field trips, athletic functions and any other school related activities.
1. I respect other people in my words and/or actions.
- I will not fight.
- I will not verbally, physically, or sexually harass, abuse, or harm any student or staff member. This would include cyberbullying also.
- I will play without pushing or shoving.
- I will not bully or tease other students by myself or as part of a group.
- I will listen and answer politely when spoken to.
- I will not use bad language.
2. I will move from one area of the school to another calmly with respect for others.
- I will line up or go to class when required to do so.
- I will wait calmly and quietly when required to do so.
- I will always walk quietly at school without running.
3. I will respect the school’s schedule.
- I will arrive at school on time every day.
- I will not waste time while going places on campus.
- I will report directly to the bus area or parent pick-up after school.
4. I will wear proper clothing suited to seasonal weather.
- I will follow the adopted dress code of the Avondale Elementary School District.
- I will not wear hats or hoods.
- I will tuck my shirt in should it become untucked or after playing.
5. I will respect all property and the school environment.
- I will not vandalize or place graffiti on any school property. (permanent markers are not allowed at school)
- I will not possess, use or sell tobacco, drugs, drug look-alikes, drug paraphernalia or alcohol.
- I will not possess lewd or inappropriate materials.
- I will not possess weapons or look-alikes.
- I will take care of all school materials given to me to use.
- I will not touch or disturb other people’s property.
- I will keep my classroom and the school clean and always throw all trash away.|
6. I will play and behave in a safe and appropriate manner at all times.
- I will not play violently, fight, or wrestle at school.
- I will stay in my assigned area.
- I will use the playground and equipment properly.
- I will not throw or kick any objects such as sand, rocks, and sticks.
- I will use technology safely and appropriately following the guidelines set forth on the AESD Student Technology User Agreement.
The Code of Conduct is not intended to be all-inclusive.